Country of origin: Sweden
Common use: Hunting-Small critters
Groups: FCI- Group 3, AKC- Terrier
FCI Champion requirement:  Two CACIBs and 1 performance title.

List of possible genes-
Agouti: AsAs AwAs AwAw (agouti, saddle)
Liver: BB Bb bb (no liver, liver)
Black: KK Kk kk (solid black, non-solid)
Dilution: DD (no dilution)
Extension: EE EmEm ee  (normal extension, mask, recessive red)
Chinchilla: CC CCch CCe CchCch CchCe CeCe (Dark red, red, cream, tan, light cream, white)
Urajiro- XX Xx xx (no urajiro, urajiro)
Merle: Mm mm (merle, no merle)
Tweed: Tw (merle modifier)
Harlequin: Hh hh ( merle modified. Harlequin, no harlequin)
Spotting: SS Ssi Ssp sisi spsp (No white, white spotting, piebald, irish white, extreme piebald)
Ticking: TT Tt tt (ticking, no ticking)
Eye colors: Blue. Brown. Amber. Wall eyes. Marble eyes.

Special genes: The genes listed below are not open for creation.
White undersides "Uw"
Black undersides "Ub"
Ripped black "Kr"
Wild dilute "Wd"
Surikat "AwS"
Kattmaki "AwK"
Mungo "AwM"
Steele brown "ChSb" (Chinchilla gene)
Rusty brown "ChRb" (Chinchilla gene)

Vildmarkens Terrier first appeared in the northern mountains of Sweden. The local people were looking for a sturdy, strong, confident terrier but with the social skills that many terrier breeds lack.
Vildmarkens Terrier´s enjoy the company of other dogs, and is easily attached to their owner.

Coat length
Wire coat. Neatly trimmed coat required. Slightly longer hair required on the muzzle.

Head: Elongated head, with a faint stop, flat cheeks.
Ears: V-shaped button ears.
Skull: Flat.
Muzzle: Straight or with a slight roman shape.
Wrinkles: None.

Size: Max 46 cm
Weight: 12-11 kg
Tail: Slight bend, carried high above back or natural bobtail.
Back shape: Straight
Croup slope: Slight slope

Outreaching, elastic, seemingly without effort, smooth and rhythmic.

Color: Albino, double merle, double harlequin
Weak/roached back, weak hocks, weak pasterns.
Straight ears, dropped ears.
Aggressive / shy behavior.