Country of origin: Saudi Arabia
Common use: Hunting
Groups: FCI- Group 6, AKC- Hound
FCI Champion requirement:  Two CACIBs and 1 performance title.

To be continued.

The breed originates from Saudi Arabia but the thicker type was created in Sweden where dogs were crossed with the swedish breed Hamilton Hound and German shorthaired pointer.
The original type is slimmer, but both types still share the same standard and breeding them two together is common.

Coat length
Smooth coat / Long coat
Ridgeback may appear in both coats.

Ears: Dropped.
Skull: Slightly rounded, no dome shape.
Muzzle: Straight.
Wrinkles: None to few on the forehead.

Size: Males: 63–69 cm. Females: 61–66 cm
Tail: Straight / Slight bend / Curled
Tail length: Should not go below hocks.
Back shape: Straight
Croup slope: Slight slope

Free and effortless, light steps with powerful hindlegs.

Color: Albino, double merle, double harlequin
Weak/roached back, weak hocks, weak pasterns.
Aggressive / shy behavior.